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Which Propositions Passed? CA Ballot Measures Series

Writer's picture: Bodhi LIABodhi LIA

*****Disclaimer: This is not legal advice and is for educational purposes only. This does not create an attorney-client privilege.

With the results of the California election in, let's review what Californian`s voters passed and shot down. It should be noted that even the propositions that pass do not necessarily move forward, as they can be shot down in the courts.

Proposition 14: Stem Cell Research

Proposition 14 is the only proposition who`s results are still not officially certified, but it

looks like Prop 14 will be passing at 51.1% in favor, and 48.9% opposed. This measure

authorizes California issuing $5.5 billion on stem cell research through state general

obligation fund bonds. This would also fund other medical research, in addition to

continue funding stem cell research.

Proposition 15: ‘Split Roll’

Proposition 15 did not pass on this year`s ballot, with a vote split 52% against and 48% in favor. If passed, Prop 15 would have raised property taxes on commercial and industrial real estate, and diverted the funds raised to schools and local governments.

Proposition 16: End Affirmative Action Ban

Proposition 16 dud not pass, with 56% voting no and 44% voting yes. If passed, it would have allowed schools and other public agencies to take ethnicity, race and sex into account when decisions related to admissions, hiring or contracting.

Proposition 17: Restore Vote to Formerly Incarcerated People

Proposition 1y passed at a split of 59% in favor, and 41% opposed. The passing of this proposition means that there will be a constitutional amendment allowing formerly incarcerated people or felons on parole to vote again once their state or federal prison term ends.

Proposition 18: Allow Some 17 Year Olds to Vote in Primaries

Proposition 18 was shot down with a vote of 55% opposed to it, and 45% in favor. If it had passed, it would have allowed minors who would turn 18 in time to vote in the general election to vote in the primaries while still underage.

Proposition 19: Change Property Tax Rules

Proposition 19 passed with 51% in favor and 49% opposed, when the race was called.

This measure passing means that property owners over the age of 55, victims of natural disasters and disabled folks will be allowed to transfer part of their tax base with them when they sell their home and purchase a new one.

Proposition 20: Stricter Parole and Sentencing

Proposition 20 was shot down on this year`s ballot, with 62% voting no and 38% voting yes. If it had passed, this measure would have rolled back changes to California's sentencing laws to make certain things currently classified as misdemeanors, like petty theft, as felonies. It also would have changed the parole system to be more strict and have required non-felons or non-violent offenders to submit DNA to be on file.

Proposition 21: Local Rent Control

Proposition 21 lost this year, as Californians again voted against rent control measures. The vote was split at 60% opposed and 40% in favor. If passed, this measure would have allowed cities and counties to put in place rent controls on properties over 15 years old.

Proposition 22: Ride Share Drivers as Independent Contractors

Proposition 22 passed on this year's ballot because of all the money that ride share apps like Uber and Lyft paid to campaigns. It passed with 58% in favor, and 42% against. The cost of this passing will be app based drivers will be treated as independent contractors instead of employees, meaning that Fortune 500 companies won't have to provide them benefits.

Proposition 23: Dialysis Clinic Standards

Proposition 23 failed, with 63.6% opposed and 36.4% in favor. If passed this measure would have set a requirement that there be a licensed physician, nurse or physician assistant on site during kidney dialysis treatments.

Proposition 24: Expand Consumer Privacy

Proposition 24 passed on this year's ballot, with 56.1% voting in favor of it and 43.9% opposed. This proposition would allow consumers to block companies from selling their personal and private data and ‘limit businesses` use of personal information’.

Proposition 25: Repeal of Cash Bail

Proposition 25 failed, with 56.2% voting against it and 43.8% voting for it. This measure would have ended cash bail, but replaced it with a pretrial release system that uses algorithms using ‘public safety and flight risk’ to determine whether someone charged qualifies.


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